Member-only story
When You Shouldn’t Take That UX Position
Warning Signs and Red Flags in Your Job Search
It was a dreary morning and rain was forecasted for the afternoon. I was only hoping it wouldn’t start until after my 1 pm interview had concluded and I had trekked my way back to the train station a mile or so from the offices where I would be interviewing. I had put in for the day off at my current position because you can’t go into work wearing a suit when you have an interview in the middle of your day.
So, I made my way to downtown Chicago via the Metra and had a nice lunch before entering what could potentially be my next place of employment. The phone interview had gone well. But, there is only so much you can learn in 30 minutes of screening. There were plenty of red flags during the phone screen, but I wasn’t mature enough in my career to spot them. It was the interview with the hiring manager where I began spotting all of the red flags. I ignored a lot of them because I was excited about the position and company I might be working for. We could call it confirmation bias. I only wanted to see and hear what would confirm the decision I wanted to make.
The manager was vague about the position requirements. The position I would be hiring for was a new position and the interview panel indicated it would be a “bit of an experiment” to have…