The Art of the Interview Brief:
How to Land Your Dream Job
(2024 edition)
Gotcha! Made you look….
Welcome to 2024, the theatre of professional advancement… where hackathons, multi-stage interviews with psychometric, IQ tests and interview briefs rule. Presenting the latest corporate magic trick:
Channel the creative spirit and exploit into free labour. — — Tadaa… enter the interview brief!
What is a girl to do, when she cannot rely on the traditional tools of nepotism, favouritism among the unspoken champions who have mastered the true art of bootlicking.
Or for those too vocal in our honesty (and too stubborn), to pucker up to the proverbial rear.
So what’s left?
To continue casting nets into the dark waters of job postings that could just as easily be phishing scams. Should we continue down the Sisyphean path of creating detailed interview brief submissions, to showcase skills for roles we’ll be told are suddenly on hold. (Again). Or the other common favourite after 5 or 6 interview phases, “We actually aren’t hiring right now, but we wanted to build our database. We’d love to keep you on record for the future”.
To stand like a clown in the court of professional networking Linkedin, to juggle our skills, experience all while navigating the unspoken rules of self promotion and personal branding.
For the unicorns who have emerged victorious with an actual job offer post interview brief, please share your wisdom.

In a world where the playing field is uneven, the game is rigged, maybe the question is not about winning at this game, but to change it.