Secrets of Excel: break free from the grid layout
Build better Excel visualizations with the *card layout* method
Summary: In this article I’m going to show you how the card layout method can help you build Excel dashboards that are visually appealing and easy to use. I’ll show you how to use the method in Excel and then how to structure your data so it’s clear & actionable.

When people think of Excel, they tend to think of a grid. Just rows and columns of cells with metrics and dimensions. Maybe a chart or two floating awkwardly on top of the page.
That grid layout works great for processing data. It’s organized, easy to reference, and makes writing equations a breeze.
But it’s not visually appealing. Even the best designer is going to have a hard time making it look good.
Lucky for you, Excel has a few lesser-known features that allow you to take the data in your grid layout and add it to a new and more visually engaging layout.
I call this the card layout method.

The Card Layout Method:
Excel has almost all the same visual design features as PowerPoint. You can add shapes, images, shading and more. You can then layer those shapes to build almost any style of dashboard that you want.

You are essentially breaking the page into bite size sections. Each section tells a short story (like a powerpoint slide) and can be laid out in a way that effectively communicates your message. These sections are called “cards”. When you use this card concept, you’re no longer stuck trying to fit your design into a series of grid cells, you now have free rein to format it however you want.

Here is an example of a single card. It takes a topic (revenue) and breaks it down in such a way that tells a story about how revenue is performing.
You could never build this design using the standard Excel grid. But if you use Excel’s shape features and get creative with your charts you can start stacking pieces together to make something that doesn’t look like Excel at all.

If some of this seems complex or confusing, I promise it’s not as bad as you’d think.
One of the easiest ways to learn is to see an example file and start deconstructing it on your own.
If you want a free copy of the example above you can sign up for my email list on my website here and I’ll send you a copy. I’ll also send you my other free templates in my monthly freebie email.
Or you can use that same link and buy the full Excel toolkit (it includes 100+ more charts/elements like this) ⬇️

Thanks for reading!
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