Releasing Evie

Katerina Limpitsouni
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2018


A lightweight and extendable theme for web projects of any size, MIT licensed and almost without a learning curve.

Evie is mainly a template that you can use without significant changes or it can serve as a starting point for much larger projects. It’s fully customizable and contains 4 pages (landing, authentication, documents, dashboard) out of the box and a few re-usable components.

The theme is bundled with a minimal style guide and is fully responsive. It provides an unobtrusive structure but you can define your own or import any grid you prefer. To achieve some kind of vertical rhythm with a single font and weight, the typography loosely follows the Minor Third scale.

Evie mainly styles HTML elements and has some custom classes so you can work without unusual naming conventions. You can use it with any JavaScript framework you prefer (React, Vue, etc.) as it contains very limited plain JavaScript, you’ll probably won’t even notice.

This style is production-tested at unDraw and managed to support its development, without slowing us down. That’s why we decided to organize it a bit better and open-source it. Hope you’ll find it useful and enjoy it!

Check Evie out!

P.S.: You can find the full source of the documentation on GitHub

P.S.2: Once again, Andrew Chraniotis hope you’ll like this and we managed to live up to your standards!

