Proving the #1 conversion tool

Angus Morrison
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2018


Questioning conventional wisdom

I spent 18 months as a Content Strategist for TripAdvisor, applying all the tricks of the copywriter’s trade to improve user experience and, ultimately, conversion rates. My arsenal included action-led headings, short, punchy CTAs, an obsession with brevity, and chunking — the practice of breaking down long-form content into digestible thematic chunks.

I did this because that’s what UX writers do. You learn the accepted patterns of quality content, then apply them almost automatically to whatever project you happen to work on. At a mature business like TripAdvisor, where entire product teams chase single-digit conversion gains, you may feel generally satisfied with your efforts, but you often lack certainty that your copy was a quantifiable win.

This bothered me. From time to time, it pays to re-validate practices that we take for granted. The more experts profess a theory, the more likely we are to accept it as true without thinking critically ourselves. Experts are human too, and flawed ideas can and do become industry standards*.

UGH, /experts/, am I right?

Being commissioned to run a UX audit for Lending Works was a rare opportunity. Lending Works is a relatively young fintech start-up, but with enough traffic to justify a Google Optimize installation — a free A/B testing platform.

The copy on the site had never been A/B tested. Nor had it been designed by a UX professional. This was an opportunity to pit flabby, long-form copy against the thematic chunks that UX “best practice” demands. In other words, it was a chance to return to first principles and probe at the core of the discipline. It was the UX equivalent of a mathematical proof.

The acid test

Here’s the top block for the page as it stood when I arrived at Lending Works. To its credit, the heading, despite reading like a small novel, was action-led, and the action is unmissable. On the downside, the copy was a long, centre-aligned block, the CTA had 3 words too many, and the interest rate table appeared to be interactive (it wasn’t).

The control page

Here’s what I did in 30 minutes using Optimize’s visual editor — no dev time required:

The test page, at an uncomfortably wide resolution

Yes, it looks like it’s been hit by a truck. Ignore that for now; there are important structural differences. The headline is much stronger on the benefits to the user, the CTA is shorter, and the block of copy has been chunked into a 5-point summary, complete with bold highlights.

This is scannable text in its purest form, but lord was it ugly. You’d be forgiven for predicting a flop for this particular test.

Instead, we got results of the eyebrow-raising variety. Mine are still up somewhere past my hairline. The chunked copy was >99.9% likely to beat the original, producing a median 60% improvement in click-through rate.

I mistrust improbably large wins, so, taking this test as a proof-of-concept, we invested a little design and dev time and re-ran the test on the beautified page.

The page today

The results were not only similar, they were identical. The new copy structure, in its crudest form, drove a massive, replicable conversion gain. Additional, strictly visual design work contributed nothing to the click-through rate.

Chunk it.

A quick and dirty tip to copywriters, designers, strategists, product managers, developers and consultants everywhere. If you’re ever confronted with an unloved page full of long-form copy, conventional wisdom has your back. Chunk it for a free (and maybe even spectacular) win.

  • Twentieth-century economics was built on the age-old idea that humans make fundamentally rational economic decisions. It sounds good on paper, and was endorsed by the great minds of the time. It’s a pity how impressively wrong that assumption was — impressive enough for Daniel Kahneman to scoop the Nobel Prize in Economics in pointing it out. That work is enshrined in Thinking Fast And Slow, otherwise known as product gospel.



Go expert working on planet-scale finance projects at JP Morgan. Kotlin and TypeScript proficient. Rust-curious. Find me at