Introducing Supernova Cloud

Our collaboration platform for real, working apps.



Today, mobile projects have become really complex which means multiple people or sometimes several teams are collaborating towards the same goal — creating an awesome app.

The best case scenario: The entire team gets together, decides what should the app do and how. The designer prepares the most amazing design and the developer immediately turns into working app…But that never happens.

Instead, teams iterate on ‘prototypes’ — a design that might get built but needs polish or additional approvals. Some features are impossible to build simply because the designer’s imagination got a little wild or there are technology limitations and are resource intensive or some might not fit because of the different resolutions…We’ve all been there.

Here lies the biggest flaw of all prototyping platforms on the market today — since the presentation is almost always static (images), it will never represent the actual product. Previews of multiple resolutions? Presenting multiple localized versions? Native and interactive components? Breathtaking animations? Not even close — until now. Introducing Supernova Cloud.

Introducing Supernova Cloud

What is Supernova Cloud?

Supernova Cloud is the first collaboration platform that allows you to present fully working mobile UIs — without compromise. We’ve built the platform that brings in a new era of mobile prototyping.

The Supernova Cloud is laser-focused on one thing and one thing only — presenting mobile prototypes as close to a live app as possible. Supernova Cloud uses the same preview engine as Supernova Studio so you are able to view single screens or entire navigation maps, while simulating on a real device — every touch and every scroll behaves as it would in a real mobile app. But that is not all…

All the advanced features of the Studio are available in the cloud preview as well — for example, all the animations will work on the Cloud the same as they would on the real device. Or you can ask your internationalization team to review localizations — because you’ll be able to switch between languages. You can test as if you were using your iOS or Android phones because your app should work everywhere. And the list goes on.

Spacebook — Supernova's tutorial application — running on the Cloud, fully localized, fully responsive

Seamless Integration with Studio

Supernova Cloud and Studio are a part of a single ecosystem so they work wonders together. You can use Studio to create projects for the Cloud and Cloud takes care of the presentation and distribution of your projects.

At the same time, you can collaborate in both — you can comment on the same designs and your comments will display everywhere and to everyone with access to the project.

In the very near future, the integration gets even more interesting — including options to synchronize your designs across multiple devices in real-time, full project versioning and more.

Collaboration Tool for Everyone. Free Forever.

We strongly believe collaboration is single most important aspect of any development process so we decided to make Cloud free, forever. You don’t pay for projects or for seats or anything. All you need is Supernova Studio to upload designs and bring them to life.

After that, you can invite an unlimited number of collaborators for free and without any additional overhead. People who are not part of the development process can be invited as Visitors — being able to review and comment on projects, completely free.

You can also upload Studio files directly to the Cloud — so your team always has access to the latest version of the app.

We fully acknowledge that Supernova Cloud doesn’t have certain fluffy features like 3D avatars, screen-sharing, etc— but that’s not the goal. We want to avoid feature-bloat and stay true to our goal — presenting mobile apps and getting things done.

Looking Forward

As we continue building Studio, Cloud will grow with it. The underlaying platform of Cloud is built for the future. One day, we hope to have completely working mobile apps running in the Cloud — including integrations with 3rd party services, working API integrations, A/B testing and many more sweet things.

The goal of collaboration is and always has been to get to the best possible result as quickly as possible. Its time the tools people use start helping with this goal once again.

With ❤️ from your friends at Supernova



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