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AR with AI Can Change Education

Augmented reality is something that was meant to change the way the future will look like but due to technical limitations, the physicality of AR changed a bit over the years. When I see platforms like Tiktok and Instagram using AR to make schemes go viral, I believe if AR is applied to the education sector, it can change the whole dynamics of how we learn anything.

AI is a bigger umbrella which we all are trying to understand and explore but we always lack in quality of data and clarity of business process to make AI a better working engine and then we settle at a rule-based organic method. And honestly, I don’t think it causes any problem for us but think for a second, what if we pace the whole education of a student based on his learning and grasping speed. Wonders what it will do? I can think of an impact — it will create students who are balanced and really know what they are doing, rather than doers who are chasing dreams of thinkers. Now, how AR can help this solution? AR can actually expedite three factors of learning bias — hearing bias, cognitive bias, and perceptive bias. What all these three are? — Some other time!!

Imagine learning about mechanical engineering and actually, you can project a 3-D Deisel engine in front of you and hear engine noises on various blade speeds, gear cranks, and faults. What it will do? It will make real engineers who know…

Published in Prototypr

Prototyping, UX Design, Front-end Development and Beyond 👾 | ✍️ Write for us

Written by Sameer Ranjan

I am an innovator and a data scientist, with a passion to create products to change life.

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