8 Tips — Choosing the Right Font for your Design

Typography = Pretty Font. Right?
The main purpose of typography is making it easier to read what you’ve written. It makes it possible to quickly scan your text. When done well, it enhances the message it presents.
Typography can change the entire look and feel of a presentation, it can convey a certain mood or feeling.
On a website, choosing the right font design has this “magical” power of making your website look better, causing your visitors to feel more at ease, thus improving their experiences on your website.
1. Font Families
These different typefaces are the main classifications used in 80% of today’s writing and content.

2. Legibility, Readability, Versatility.
It’s better for a typeface to be clear and legible, rather than so unreadable that it’s distracting from the overall communication goals of the design.
If someone has to spend an extra 3 seconds to understand what has been written, then they will disregard your design.

3. Font Communication
Typefaces have personalities. A font you select should embody the character and spirit of your brand. Try to match the font style to your brand’s character.

4. Font Paring
You will need more than one font to make a design work, especially if you’re working on a webpage, but not more than 5 fonts. You have to make sure that the fonts you use are similar enough to complement each other, but different enough to show the distinction between them.

5. Font weights
For your main paragraph font, the most formatting you’ll likely need is boldness, italics, and underlines. However, for various reasons you might want to use even more varied font formats, for things such as quotes. In this case, it’s best if you choose a font that has enough weights that can properly convey this information.

6. Look for Inspiration
There are so many amazing creative designs out there that show how the right choice of font creates a masterpiece. See what fonts similar brands are using. Take a look at your competitors’ styles and collect your favorites.

7. Stand Out to Be Noticed
Of course, getting inspiration from other designs does not mean that you will make your design very similar to it. You have to find ways to make your design stand out. Don’t be afraid to experiment and be bold with your choices.

8. There Are No Rules
There are no “wrong” or “right answers”
As you build your own skills in selecting typefaces, you’ll develop your own rules about choosing type.