5 Free Design Resources — Icons
Sharing a list of design resources for UI project

A small pictorial symbol used in user interface (UI), presentation for common actions and items.
Here is a list of 5 free icon resources for your next UI project -
1. Unicons by iconscout

A library of 1000+ FREE vector icons and icon-font in Line style. Icons are available in SVG files to download or can be used as web-font.
Maker: iconscout.com
Download link: iconscout.com/unicons

Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and readability.
Maker: Cole Bemis
Download link: feathericons.com
Download Link — Sketch: sketchappsources.com

If you’re looking for an icon or symbol (for ui design or presentation) this is a great place to go. Tons of cool icons curated by a global community
Maker: Edward Boatman
Download link: thenounproject.com

A fairly large set of icons which are taken from Material Design and separated them into different style categories. This set of icons are made for popular graphics tools and is very convenient to use when creating your UI project.
Maker: Pixsellz Team
Download link: icons.pixsellz.io

Free icons for your next personal and commercial projects. Vector icons, SVG and PNG format. A new icon pack every 10 days.
Maker: Carlotta Govi
Download link: xicons.co

If you are talking about icons and not aware of Flaticon — that's not possible. Flaticon has a huge database of various icons lying in different icon packs. It allows you to download your favourite icons in any of the PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD, Base 64 formats. You can also change color on the fly.
Maker: Freepik
Download link: flaticon.com