35 Quotes on Design That Will Fuel Up Your Creativity
Creativity is all around us in all the forms and shapes.

Sometimes to fuel up your creative process you need a kind word from a friend that was there before. Inspiration comes in so many shapes and sizes, but for designers and creative people, it often comes from people who have done it before and know how hard it can sometimes be. Let’s dive into a curated list of quotes to fuel up your inspiration.

Good design is the result of a process
Paul Rand was an American graphic designer best known for corporate logo design, like IBM and ABC. A great product is always the result of research and multiple iterations. And the idea you have at the beginning, it may seem significant, but it always ends up to be different.

It takes courage to makes things simple
E. F. Schumacher was a German statistician and economist. We should not forget that design is also about courage. Not everybody is willing to go against the market or what the customers want or need.

Have a vision
John McNeece, a cruise ship designer, speculated about the desires of Henry Ford’s potential customers. Same as courage, it also takes a vision to bring a product from a mere idea and see it through the storm. P.S. There’s no reliable evidence it was Henry Ford’s quote.

The costs are high for a bad design
Ralf Speth, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover was onto something when said this. Even I sometimes wish that people first go through a cheap and lousy design only to realise the importance of a great one. In this fast-changing world, there’s no time to cut corners. You may win in the short term, but the marathon is always won by people who invested fully into it.

Design satisfies a need
Charles Eames, a furniture designer, meant that before there is any design, there is a problem that needs to be solved. And great design evolves around it.

Design is more than how it looks
The quote was take from Don Norman’s book, The Design of Everyday Things. Knowing how things work will allow you to create human products that can be easily used by anyone.

What is a great product
The CEO of Apple tries to continue the mantra that Steve Jobs established during his time at Apple. And it is: a product is everything we come in touch with. Whether it is the package, the sounds it makes, the smell, etc. We also call it User Experience.

Making mistakes
Paula Scher is an American graphic designer, painter, and educator. Her quote suggests that mistakes are a part of living. You need to make them in order to change.

Design is about finding the best solution
Sometimes you start with an idea in mind that this will be your product. But once you take it from iteration to iteration, you realise that the output is different. And it is a good thing. A great product is ever evolving and adapting. What is great today will be obsolete tomorrow. So don’t romanticise what you have been working on, have the guts to throw it in the trash if it does not work and move on.

Transparency in design
Companies have to create products that people want and customers are going to help them make that decision — and that means quality, imagination and transparency.

Design adds value
Joel Spolsky is a web programmer, writer, and the creator of Trello. His take on design is that when it’s done well, products become more valuable, but don’t necessarily have to be more expensive.

Great design is about simplicity
Mr. Greenberg, the chairman and chief executive of R/GA. Because of advances in technology and communication, we’re surrounded by information we see and hear. Overload is a huge issue. Mr. Greenberg said in an interview for NY Times that things are getting more complex. We get cluttered on a daily basis with new products and solutions and the ultimate goal will be to take all this clutter and simplify it.Create something truly useful that does not beg for your time but comes natural to us.

Great design is innovation
Tim Brown, gave an interview to Fast Company where he mentioned that design has become equal to innovation. You can’t talk anymore about being an innovative company without bringing design to the table. When you bring design thinking into that strategic discussion, you introduce a powerful tool. And the goal of design thinking is to broaden your perspective and help you grow and stay relevant.

Innovation = Design
This quote brings design to the forefront, and makes it an apparent need in everyday life rather than being an afterthought and only something that makes things look nice.

Good design is a reflection of us
Our soul craves for good design. That’s why sometimes when you use a product you feel it is a great one. Why? Because it is a reflection of who we are and what we need. Trying to get to that state with our products is one of the ultimate goals of design.

A good user interface speaks for itself
When you design a great user interface with the bare minimum, only with things necessary to your customers, you are giving room to great design. But once you clutter it with useless elements, you lose the notion of great design.

Simplicity & Clarity
Lindon Leader is a graphic designer and the creator of the award-winning FedEx logo. This quote is informative and tells you two of the most important things in design. Simplicity & clarity is not achieved that quickly, but through an ongoing iteration until it becomes evident to anyone that it is clear and straightforward. Even to someone without a design background.

Solve problems through design
Once again we realise that design is not how it looks, but first and foremost is how it thinks, works and feels.

Good design is about combining
Nowadays when we need inspiration, we go to Dribbble or Behance. We search for colours, fonts or UI patterns that can be adapted to our own products. But we forget that people like Leonardo Da Vinci did not have these resources and they emersed themselves into history, art and science. There lays the answer to your question and the future you are looking for.

Creativity is having fun by taking risks
Mary Lou Cook was an actress, singer, and dancer. This quote on creativity leaves no stones unturned, and encourages everyone to live life to the fullest in everything we do.

Design is everywhere
Do I need to add anything else? ;)

Fight against the ugliness
Not to confuse ugliness with the visual aspect of a product. Vignelli had a deeper meaning. He meant that we need to strive for creating great products that are aesthetically pleasing and physically solving a problem. Products that fail to achieve those 2 goals is what Vignelli calls — ugliness.

Good design is obvious
Nowadays it seems that we are doing everything vice versa. It is especially noticeable in the tech industry. We keep adding features only to clutter it with unnecessary stuff that confuses our consumers.

Don’t be blinded by beauty
Every day you are going to come up with new ideas that are great. But can you imagine a real-life situation where this matters? That’s where many ideas fail. Don’t be blinded by the output first. Start with a pen and words. Iterate on your story, then build something great.

Good design is form and function
Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect, interior designer, writer and educator. Same as in architecture, in software design, the functionality should come only after the design is ready but not ignored. This principle can be applied to any field of design.

Good design is about striping off the unecessary
It is challenging to make a product continually better without screwing up. So you have to clearly understand how people use it to be able to improve it.

Focus groups don’t work
They never work. Why? Because people know they are being tested and all you get is a biased answer. They are cautious not to make a mistake. Then once you launch it in real life, it hits rock bottom. Because products tested in a lab is nothing compared to real life.Or as I call it, a product must resist a stress moment.

Simplicity is a by-product
When you work towards simplicity, you become blinded by a subjective goal. The same as with beauty. Because it all starts with an idea, and simplicity comes from a continuous work on it.

Good design is a gateway
Design is what enables great products to take the leap and get noticed from the clutter.

Good design is about vision
Here is where many of us fail. Because when 200 people tell you that they need that feature, you give it to them. You would be a fool not to. You start feeling the pressure. But then it ends up as a failure. We as customers are bad at knowing what we want because we are lead by emotions and not logic. Your job as a designer is to figure out what we really want and need.

Eliminate the noise
Another critical part of the design is that you do design and not talk design. You don’t merely stay for hours in meeting rooms and debate and strategise about design thinking. Design is about going in the field and working on your product or idea.

Good design is aiming to create a classic
How do you create a classic work? It all starts with the desire to create a classic work. The rest is pain and tears of hard work.

Good design is communication
Communicating your ideas to the team is a crucial part of the equation of making a great product. Once you have the internal communication ready, you should work on how your product communicates to your customers.

Good design is about understanding the details
Have you ever seen how architects plan and design a house? They don’t think of what kind of tiles will go into the shower or what brand of the dishwasher to put in the kitchen until they figured out who is going to live in that house. Then they combine both the knowledge of people and the vision for the house to create a place where you can feel at home. Every architect knows that the details will only complicate the process, so that’s why they leave it for later.

Great design improves the customer experience
Most of the customer experience comes from the interaction with your product. It is a crucial element for any company, so cutting corners will only harm your business.

Bonus: There Is Always Design
Adam Judge is the author of two design books, ‘The Little Black Book of Design’ and ‘The Little Blue Book of Design’. This quote shows that everything is designed. No matter if it is good or bad, someone somewhere took the time to make it.